Thursday 17 May 2018

John Wakefield Ferris marries Emma Watson, nee Spreckels

John Wakefield Ferris is aged 56 when he marries Emma Claudine Watson nee Spreckels, widow of Tom Watson. The wedding took place in 1906, two years after Tom's death, in the Church of the Transfiguration, in New York, as reported in The Los Angeles Times.They had planned to have it at her Father Claus Spreckel's house in San Francisco but the house was wrecked in the terrible earthquake that occurred in 1906.The Reverend John Olyphant conducted the ceremony and then left town, causing some confusion and a denial by the Rector of the church that the marriage had actually taken place there, according to The Washington Post. Controversy seems to be the order of the day for this family!

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