Saturday 26 May 2018

!939 : Nancie Thomson receives a marriage proposal from Jack Huntingford

On 21st December 1938 Nancie left Paris travelled back to England. Jack met her off the train at Preston Station. They continued by train to Fleetwood where Jack introduced her to his parents, David and Alice Huntingford. We only ever knew them as our grandparents, Gran and Pop. Presumably Nancie called them Mr and Mrs Huntingford on this occasion. They lived at 'Lemnos', 68 Agnew Road, Fleetwood.( See picture below.)
Jack's brother, Alan Huntingford came round with his girlfriend, Marjorie Bussey to play cards. (Newmarket, apparently!)
Nancie still smoked at this time so I don't think Gran and Pop would have approved but there is nothing in her diary to suggest any outward disapproval. Jack's Uncle Arthur and Aunt Ethel were invited for tea on Christmas Day and returned the invitation on Boxing Day. They lived in a house called 'Sylmar' on Poulton Road. Everyone seemed to get on really well.
On 28th December Jack and Nancie went to Scotland on the train. Alan and Marjorie came to see them off at the station.
Nancie and Jack spent Christmas 1938 at Rosemount, Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire with her family. Her brother Bill also brought his girlfriend, Anne. They all saw the New Year in together.
It was on the 2nd January 1939 that Jack plucked up the courage to pop the question and, thank goodness, Nancie said ,"Yes!" Two days later they bought the ring and carried on visiting all the relatives to give them the good news.
Jack had to leave on 7th January as the new school term was starting at the Wade Deacon GS for Boys in Widnes
. A couple of days later Nancie returned to Paris to carry on looking after Mimi.

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