Sunday 20 May 2018

Jean has a daughter, Chantal d'Espinay and more court cases make the lawyers rich

Jean  d'Espinay (nee Ferris, late Harris) gave birth to a daughter, Chantal, in October 1939. Mimi and John now had a half-sister. John was living with his Father, Irving Harris, in the USA.
Amongst Nancie's correspondence I came across a letter written in 1945 by Marie d'Espinay, Charles' Mother. Charles himself adds a little note to Nancie at the bottom of the page. They are still living at the Chateau de Doumy, near Pau. Chantal, then aged about six, adds her 'Bons Baisers' to Nancie.
Irving had flown to the USA with Mimi just after the death of her Mother, in October 1941. Jean died on September 19th and Mimi went back with Irving on 21st October. I presume she stayed there as she is not mentioned in the letter from Marie in 1945. Ten years later Mimi returns to France as a student, for a year.

Because Jean's divorce from Irving Harris was granted in France the US authorities refused to recognise it and they claimed that her subsequent marriage to Charles d'Espinay was therefore illegal. Irving Harris fought for Jean's money to be divided between John and Mimi only. In her will Jean had left an annual allowance to Charles, various bequests to family and friends and the rest to be divided between her three children.

The ensuing court cases made some lawyers very rich and the complexity of the financial and legal situation were hard to untangle. Jean's money was mainly in New York but she also had some in England and property such as the Chateau de Doumy, in France.

I'm not sure if Nancie followed all the repercussions after Jean's early death. The was was in full swing by then and she had other things on her mind, namely the birth of her own baby, David Ian Huntingford, who was born on 11th May 1942 in Maryport, Cumberland.

The French Authorities pursued Charles d'Espinay for assuming a false title to which he was not entitled. Somehow he managed to convince the French courts that it was genuine but not until 1943, when Jean had been dead for two years.

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