Wednesday 23 May 2018

A New Romance for Nancie and another new car for the d'Espinays: a 1938 Rosengarten

One of my favourite stories, when I was a little girl, was how Jack had seen Nancie on the beach at St Jean de Luz in the summer of 1937. She had small children with her and he presumed she was a) French and b) married. Being a shy chap he hadn't approached her. Happily, in the summer of 1938 he summoned up the courage to speak to her and discovered that she was a) Scottish and b) unmarried. By this time she had seen enough of others'  marriages to put her off for life!
Luckily Jack got on really well with four year old Mimi, as well as Nancie, her Governess, and they spent as much time as they could together before Jack had to return to England, where he was teaching.This was at the beginning of September.
On the 25th September Mimi celebrated her 5th birthday. Her presents included a pony,a pedal car and a kitten (a minou, as Nancie called it in her diary.) Many years late, we had a kitten whose name was 'Minou'. Now I know why!
Mimi was showered with expensive gifts. She lacked for nothing, except perhaps a well-balanced Mother! Nancie related that in the evening there was a 'big shindy' (sic) but gives no details. The Marquis and Marquise left at 10pm.
Nancie stayed up late talking with Mr Smith and Mrs Bond, the Housekeeper. I'm not sure of her title but she seemed to run the household. The next day they all left St Jean de Luz for Paris.
A new car arrived not long after Mimi's birthday. It was called a Rosengarten. Carlos, the chauffeur took Mimi and Nancie for a ride to Le Bourget in it.

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