Thursday 11 May 2017

Stanley Deason

If you go to Brighton or Hove you will see this name on many of the local buses. The Leisure centre also bears the name 'Stanley Deason Leisure Centre'. Sadly the school named after Stanley Deason is no longer in existence. The man in question was a Socialist and a councillor and alderman from 1928 until 1973. He was made Mayor in 1963, helping to fund raise for the restoration of the Royal Pavilion in Brighton when millions of pounds were needed.
Back in 1937 Stanley and his wife Vera Rose (nee Winter) were running the Old Greyhound pub in Tinsley Green. Nancie gave him the nickname 'le chameau' (the camel) but describes his wife as 'ravissante'. He does somewhat resemble Frankie Howerd in photographs!

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