Wednesday 3 May 2017

Haft Kel - the middle of nowhere.

Nancie met quite a few young men during her time in Haft Kel. One of these was Len Smedley and others included Ken Henry, Graham Service and Denzil Ian Norman McCleod. The latter, known to her as 'Mac' was to figure quite largely in her life. Unfortunately her diary for 1936 has not survived and part of  the 1937 one is missing so there will be gaps in her story. She did always boast that she was engaged five times before she met my Father! Her first engagement was a 'useful' one that served to put off prospective suitors. She claimed to be engaged to 'someone back home'. That someone was  I think, Duncan Bryson. It was a convenient arrangement and he always took her out when she came home. Nancie and 'Mac ':

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