Wednesday 3 May 2017

Nancie's life in Haft Kel. 1936

As you can see from the photographs Haft Kel was a bleak and desolate place for a young woman to spend a whole eight months. The scenery is like a moonscape!It was quite a long way inland from the port of Abadan. The complex's living quarters consisted of a lot of identical bungalows for the employees and a clubhouse. There was a golf course, a swimming pool, tennis courts and workshops associated with the oil business.
There was one other unattached young lady who was called Iona Watson and she and Nancie became firm friends. They met up later in London in 1937, the day before Nancie left for another job in Paris.
Life revolved around the social club and the two girls would have been in great demand for tennis, dancing and so on. They were amused to see how the wives had tried to decorate the identically furnished bungalows with fabric brought from England to bring a bit of individuality to the decor.
It must have been a strange life and eight months was probably quite enough for Nancie.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lyn Huntingford McCulloch
    This is Haasan from Iran.I am a PhD researcher and retired teacher like wrote the story of Nancie who lived in Hat Kel, an oilfield in the south of Iran,Khuzestan. In addition you mentioned that she has written a book about his life. I kindly request that you send me the file of this book if you have it.
    Yours sincerely Hassan
