Sunday 30 April 2017

Nancie goes to Haft Kel, on the Persian Gulf in 1936

Nancie's next job, in 1936, was with an English family called Rodgers. She went out with Mrs Rodgers and her young daughter Ann, to live on a complex on the Anglo-Iranian oilfields, at Haft Kel, on the Persian Gulf.
They travelled out on the British Commodore, one of the fleet of oil tankers belonging to the company. Sailing from Newcastle they got caught in a terrific storm. There were four other passengers, in addition to Nancie, Ann and Mrs Rodgers. The boat got as far as Deal, Kent and had to anchor off shore as the weather was too bad to risk the crossing to Antwerp. Nancie's Mother was going frantic, at home in Scotland, ringing the Anglo-Persian Oil Company for news. Apparently
ships were sinking all over the English Channel.
In her memoirs Nancie said that the Goodwin Lightship overturned , not far from where they were but I can find no evidence of this. There was, however a German lightship that overturned at that time in  the mouth of the River Elbe, with the loss of 25 of her crew in what was described as a 'hurricane'.
Eventually the British Commodore made it across to Antwerp where Nancie went ashore as 'one of the crew' with the First officer, the Radio Officer and another crew member. She introduced them to Pernod, which they had never heard of, with 'disastrous' results. They probably wanted to celebrate having ridden out the storm safely. Back at home, Nancie's Mother was mightily relieved to hear that they were still afloat!

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