Monday 21 November 2016

Life in Trouville and Valescure, 1934

Nancie starts her new job with the Chabannes Family

When Nancie answered an advert for a Nursery Governess that she had seen in "The Glasgow Herald", she was pleased to be offered the job. She was to look after the five year old Coulou, daughter of the Marquis and Marquise de Chabannes. After a long train journey from her home in Kilmacolm, via London and Paris she arrived in St Raphael on the French Riviera. She was met by two men, one old and one young and as she puts 'whisked away in a large car to an unknown destination.' She was a little concerned but soon discovered that the older man was Admiral Rene de Godefroi (of whom more later) and the younger one was Louis, the chauffeur/gardener .La Marquise' had been rushed to the hospital in Cannes as her new baby was on its way. After dinner Nancie was taken to the hospital to meet Eleonore for the first time. Ayo's baby was born the next day and called Hugues (Hugh in French). Nancie found little Coulou to be a sweet child and knew that they would get on.
Nancie and the children had their own rooms in one wing of the enormous villa, Le Maquis. Eleonore spend several weeks in hospital with her new baby and then came home with a nurse called Mlle Bergeron. Hugh was not a healthy baby and several times had to be nursed intensively. Nancie soon found herself in charge of the nursery. She fears that poor little Coulou got neglected as they worried over Hugh's health.
Ebles, in the meantime decided to to to Indochina for three months so Eleonore and Nancie became even closer and Eleonore appreciated Nancie's support as she worried over Hugh's delicate condition.

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