Sunday 4 October 2015

Rosemary 'Bud' Warden, Amanda Staengl, Alixe Lacomblez and Jean Louis Doublet

I recently came across the blog written by Rosemary's daughter about her life in Paraguay. (See 'Jungle Gems' also on blogspot.). It was reading this that made me start writing my own blog.

I always check out the background of the people my Mother met on her travels. It is amazing just what comes up on a 'Google' search these days. Much of this information wasn't on line 20 years ago and I recommend just putting in a name to see what appears. This particular day I put in,
'Kay Warden Villa Serpolette'

Up came the blog written by Rosemary's daughter. Amanda was born in 1942 and lived in the jungles of Paraguay until 1961. Her Mother,  'Bud', had married Josef Staengl in 1940 in England, and they were living in the 'Cotswold Community' of the 'Bruderhof', a religious sect. Britain had begun to intern anyone with German connections so the entire community left England and went to Paraguay. It is an amazing story, reminiscent of the 'covered wagon' tales from the USA. Even crossing the Atlantic had its risks as the German submarines were already attacking shipping there. Do read the blog if you are interested as I found it fascinating.

Jean Louis Doublet, grandson of Charlotte, spotted it and tried to contact Amanda. He went to the Villa Serpolette as a boy and remembered his 'Auntie Bud' coming to Paris. He now lives in Cyprus, having spent ten years in the USA and is married to an American lady from Maryland. Another quick google showed that he, too, is a Journalist. I hope to contact him eventually. His Aunt, Alixe Lacomblez, one of the little girls that Nancie looked after, alerted him to the blog. She still lives in Le Havre, I gather.

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